I’m sure you’ve heard me poke fun at snitches. They are the bane of reality. There is nothing far worse than those who Snitch for pay. People who are more street-affluent often understand how snitches operate and what to watch out for. When the organization overseeing Gang Stalkers in your town becomes desperate, they turn to snitches.
Snitches Ain’t Convincing
Some snitches believe they work for the police, and they are strategically placed wherever you are to gather information. Now rewind on this. They will show up after a couple of times or every now and then, then they stop coming. What happened? I guess they solved the case! Now if you leave and end up at another location…example Mo Mo’s Health Club,a few months later –<Less Than a snitch is dispatched and they show up to inform you on how wonderful it is at the place you just left and how you should check it out.
Ahm but why you here with me doing this when you could be doing the same thing at the place you talkin bout? Snitches don’t particular care if they sound like snitches, they’re JUST trying to make money. That means they need to get you back to the place you left. The reason why you left is that there were too many Snitches! See, the GangStalkers invested by infiltrating the place you left…ahhhhhh now you ain’t there. Their purpose for pay and payout is now gone!
When that don’t work, a couple of months flies >More Than… Dam a Narc crew arrives. They work out together and Ah Snap Dam! Someone Knows You! They Recognize you! and you ain’t never seen them in your F1 life but they recognize you because they hangout with yo neighbor.<Rolo the Neighborhood Perpetrator> Now I have to ingest the espoused story line how they were together when he died which is in contradiction to the wife’s story who is also on Snitch/GangStalking payroll. Because it ALWAYS has to be a STORY! So I rolloff and do nights and leave the New Edition Crew for the day.
Snitch Duties vs Narc Duties
Now, after my much-needed Lithium ramble, if you’re a TI (Targeted Individual), this represents the unsuspecting street level of the GangStalker operation when they deploy fixed snitches who aren’t the type to drive around and broadcast. These snitches don’t perceive themselves as Stalkers; they are merely crew-based snitches. The next level is when they dispatch Narcs who arrive with their crew to engage and encircle the Target. This crew handles various tasks like mic work, broadcast driving, etc. This is why I can’t stand snitches because Narc outsourcing is where the money is. It’s why you encounter more and more suburban snitches who enjoy snitching outside their territory.
Narc Snitches contribute to the pain and eventual deaths to a lot of people, so it ain’t all just snitching and storytelling. They aren’t preventing crime, they like snitching on people who do. The clueless think they are simply PoPo employed doing whatever strange off the wall things that don’t make law enforcement sense….. Which is a sure sign they’re under the employment of a GangStalking Organization. Does it matter? Nope! They just want to get paid snitching.