When the brain is the network who knows where one may go! The possibilities are endless! Make sure you tune in Thursdays this Fall.
The Very Site that Cons Snitches GangStalkers Hate To Hear About
When the brain is the network who knows where one may go! The possibilities are endless! Make sure you tune in Thursdays this Fall.
Group homes have long served as convenient locations for V2K (Voice-to-Skull) Narc Stalking Cons and their street assembly. Just consider that the state pays supposed “experts” in the field of social health to perform tasks strikingly similar to what V2K Narcs are known for
Scam artists don’t care how old you are they just want your money. Cons do what Cons do and that is, to go for any target that has something they want and can make a buck off of. Thankfully, AARP has this great resource called the Scam Tracking Map.
Agent Steal will pilfer almost anything. Candy Bars, Jackets, Shoes, Documents and even a basket of Bibles. It doesn’t really matter as long as he takes something from you.
A community can be built by anyone. Why can’t it be YOU..I…US! Become a Person of Action and let us, the community know who, where and what people YOU have encountered that are suspected GangStalkers, so we can create a database of our experiences and cross reference them
Look, I’m tired of hearing all the babble and crap about secret signs, Freemasons and other so called Secret Society clubs. They have no meaning in regards to any TI’s (Targeted Individual) experience.
Now you know I don’t pay my taxes with iTunes cards, ahm because that scam got started after I was broke. And I don’t drive around listening to conversations reporting them back to the NSA. But to the Snitch that’s seeking an upward mobile promotion to Supervisor Snitch it could be their reality.
It’s been a while BUT! It’s been interesting. The most interesting is that ConsUncovered has been getting bombed. Which in our case, is a daily deluge of nonsense comments from similar IP addresses always displaying the domains of hairstyle sites.
You’ve probably have read me using these terms back and forth. Sometimes I say GangStalkers other times I say V2K GangStalkers. They both are really different meanings based on their job duties. So I’m going to breakdown the difference between the two, so for future tweet and post reference you will understand to why and which I’m referring.
Some people who arrive to the site by clicking on a Vague ConsUncovered post without prior knowledge of the topic are folks who suddenly realize they’re caught up in a middle of a conversation. A conversation or rant for an audience of individuals who are currently caught up in the situation of GangStalking.