Scam artists don’t care how old you are they just want your money. Cons do what Cons do and that is, to go for any target that has something they want and can make a buck. Thankfully, AARP has this great resource called the Scam Tracking Map. Using the info sent in by it’s users, all you have to do is put in your scam keyword, your zipcode and date of occurrence. Select type of Scam and the method of contact. This will bring up all the other incidents in your area that have been reported. They also have a Fraud Specialist on their Fraud Watch Network Helpline and it’s free! AND you DON’T have to be a member or be an older person.
GangStalkers make their money and run their businesses using multi layers of Cons and you’re just one of many. Cons affects all of us and no matter the age we want to put a stop to it as quick as possible. Let this resource be your first stop! Here’s AARP’s Fraud Watch number. 1-877-908-3360 M–F 8 am–8 pm ET.